My son's name is Keaaron. He attends both the after-school program and summer camps of Arts 'n Autism. After-school gives him an opportunity to enjoy activities around Tuscaloosa and have fun while I finish work every day—it is a wonderful resource for working mothers like me! Arts 'n Autism saved my life by giving Keaaron a safe place to go while I work—a place where he is loved.

I am so glad and happy that Arts 'n Autism lets Keaaron enjoy all the wonderful activities that are at Arts 'n Autism. Words cannot express how wonderful and great the family is at Arts 'n Autism—this is why I volunteer there, too! I cannot see me and Keaaron anywhere else. Through the good and the bad, Arts 'n Autism is always there for us.
Arts 'n Autism doesn't turn anyone away if a parent cannot pay. So for you to give to Arts 'n Autism is to give more families the opportunity to participate in the programs, and could mean growth to more activites and a longer summer camp at Arts 'n Autism.
- Sara Brazzell, Mother of Kearron