My son, Camron, is enrolled in the ILEAP program at Arts ‘n Autism.

Camron has grown and changed so much since he started ILEAP last fall. He has become more acceptive of being around other people and even big crowds. I admire how the staff at ILEAP focus on transitions and self soothing. We are still working on transitioning from one activity to another with Camron but he has become a pro at covering his ears when things get too loud. Before starting ILEAP it was hard going to places like church and even the grocery store because Camron would get overwhelmed and cry until we were back at home.
His face lights up when we see the blue door in front of the Arts 'n Autism building! He is eager to jump out of the car and run to the front door, that alone tells me he feels comfortable at Arts 'n Autism. All of the staff are kind—I love being greeted with a smile!—and they have so much patience for their students, which is such a blessing within itself. I’ve come to realize that in life it’s the little things that count and lead to bigger impacts.
I’m currently unemployed and am unable to pay regularly and I am thankful that they still allow Camron to attend. The times that I am able to pay I count it as a blessing for me and my son because A'nA has helped us so much. So I would be so grateful for someone to give to Arts 'n Autism this Giving Tuesday.

If Arts 'n Autism is able to grow that would bring awareness to the community. The expansion would bring about many new resources on top of the great ones they already have. With an increase in staff, the ILEAP program could extend its hours and enroll more children. This would be great for everyone.
- Briana Morris, Camron's Mother